Yorkshire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
1:00 AM 23rd March 2024

Driving Habits That Are Legal In The UK But Could Get You Fined (Or Worse) Abroad

Photo by William Bout on Unsplash
Photo by William Bout on Unsplash
The Easter Holidays are fast approaching (March 29th 2024) and many parents will be seizing the opportunity to take their children on a trip.

While flying may be the most common choice, a lot of families will decide to hit the road to reach their chosen destination or hire a car once abroad for convenience. Either way, it’s important to be aware of the driving customs in other countries.

After all, lots of driving habits that may be common in the UK could land you with a hefty fine and points on your licence elsewhere.

With this in mind, Graham Conway, Managing Director at Select Van Leasing, has outlined some common UK driving behaviours, and the consequences you would face if you practise them abroad:

1. Sticking your arm out of the window

In the UK, especially on hot sunny days, it can be common to see road users sticking their arms out of their windows to cool off. However, if you are planning to explore the sunny planes of Australia, sticking your arms (or any limb) out of your car window could lead to a fine.

Even leaning your elbow on the car window ledge comes with monetary penalties, with each state varying in harshness. For example, in New South Wales you would be required to pay $349 and face three points on your licence.

2. Having rubbish in the car

Many of us in the UK will admit to not cleaning out our cars as regularly as we should - however, as it stands, there are no laws against having lots of rubbish in your car. Differently, in South Carolina in the United States, it is prohibited to store trash in your vehicle and could land you with a fine of up to $500 and even jail time if the level of debris in your car is considered a nuisance.

The rule was introduced to keep Hilton Head in South Carolina clean and respectable, as well as to avoid rat infestations.

3. Driving on Mondays if your licence plate ends with a 1 or 2

While the UK has the Congestion Charge, Clean Air Zones, and the upcoming ban on petrol and diesel cars, we do not have the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or Number Coding Scheme, as they do in certain areas of the Philippines.

The scheme stipulates that between certain times of the day, cars with particular licence plates must avoid being on the roads. For example, in certain cities throughout the country on Mondays, cars with licence plates ending in the numbers 1 or 2 are prohibited from 7am until 7pm. Throughout the week, the numbers rotate, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Eating or drinking

Sipping bottled water or a bite of a sandwich is perfectly common practice while driving in the UK - despite being a potential distraction. Here in Britain, there’s actually no specific law against consuming at the wheel.

The same cannot be said for people hoping for refreshment during a car journey in Cyprus, though. An €85 fine could be heading your way if you choose to indulge in a snack or drink on the road, as doing so is illegal.

5. Driving without headlights on

While lots of people in the UK choose to keep their headlights on at all times, many people stick to using them when it gets dark - or have automatic headlights that come on when needed.

In Sweden, however, headlights are a necessity for all cars at all times, possibly due to far fewer hours of daylight in the country. Make sure that, during the day, your headlights are on but dipped, as full-beam will dazzle fellow road users.

6. Not wearing a shirt

It is safe to say that as soon as a sliver of sunshine hits the UK, some Brits might opt to not wear a shirt while driving. However, if you are considering exploring the wonders of Thailand, it will (literally) pay to know that it is illegal.

Driving topless throughout Thailand will only land you with a small fine of around ฿500 (£10.94), but it is still not worth putting a dampener on the Easter Holidays to do so.