Yorkshire Times
Weekend Edition
Graham Clark
Music Features Writer
10:00 PM 8th May 2015

Album Review: Andreya Triana - Giants (Counter Records)

You might have seen Andreya Triana on Later with Jools the other week and wondered who she was.

This new singer from London has just released her new album and it has to be said, it is very good. There is some Amy Winehouse in there, a little bit of Desree and a lot of originality too. It does too have an English feel about it and sounds raw without having an American sounding production on the album.

The best track on the album is Gold, one of the songs she performed on Later With Jools, the track is a memorable track that should help further her career.

That's Alright With Me could be Nina Simone singing an Al Green track whilst the title track, Giants is another highlight of the album.

She delivers a heartfelt vocal on Its Not Over and it certainly isn't over for this promising new star. This is just the beginning.

4 out of 5