Yorkshire Times
Weekend Edition
Renewable vs. non-renewable power generation across the region (updated every 30 minutes)
Renewables includes biomass(40.3%), nuclear(0%), solar(0.5%) and wind(17.2%). Excludes imports
Does Your Business Need To Embrace Cloud Native?
At software conferences or tech meetups, the term 'Cloud Native' is thrown around like confetti. Along with it comes an avalanche of buzzwords: containers, orchestration, microservices. But what does it all really mean for your business? Let's cut through the jargon and explore why Cloud Native has become such a hot topic – and more importantly, whether it's right for you.
Photo by Kevin Ku on Pexels
NASA Picture of the Day: Parhelia at Abisko
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Three suns seem to hug the horizon in this otherworldly winterscape. But the evocative scene was captured during a February 3rd snowmobile exploration of the mountainous region around Abisko National Park, northern Sweden, planet Earth. The two bright spots on either side of Earth's Sun are parhelia (singular parhelion), also known as mock suns or sun dogs. The parhelia are caused by hexagonal ice crystals suspended in the hazy atmosphere that reflect and refract sunlight.
Asteroid Flybys Over the next 7 Days
NameDateMin Dia. (m)Max Dia. (m)Rel. Velocity (mph)Miss Distance (miles)
(2015 YU7)16th Feb14031420,26015,174,230
(2019 CH1)16th Feb15133885,09341,111,312
(2024 UD26)16th Feb20345520,8473,989,452
522684 (2016 JP)20th Feb15735322,89330,882,507